Beyond RTC’s – Field Officer Network

Smaller communities will be better able to plan, establish and run their Rural Transaction Centres with the recent establishment of a Rural Transaction Centre (RTC) Field Officer Network. The Field officers will provide support and assistance to communities on the ground on an on-going basis.

The Network is part of a range of Programme enhancements to assist communities to establish RTCs.

It will provide communities with comprehensive and coordinated support and mentoring at every stage in the development and operation of their RTCs.

The field officers will actively promote the RTC Programme to individual communities, councils and regional organisations.

Field officers will also facilitate the development of individual business plans in consultation with communities and develop service agreements with RTC service providers.

They will also provide on going operational and management support for existing RTCs, including arranging access to appropriate professional and technical advice if required.

The network is managed by Brisbane based firm GRM on behalf of the RTC Programme and will provide between 12-15 full-time field officers who will be based in regional centres.

The network is expected to be operational from February.

The RTC Programme continues to gain momentum with the opening of a new Centre at Blackbutt, Queensland on 12 December, bringing the total number of operating RTCs to 20.

The Blackbutt RTC will provide the community and surrounding districts with services including Medicare easyclaim, Electricity Credit Union, Q-GAP, Centrelink, photocopying, Internet access, secretarial and business support and an interview room for visiting professionals.

Minister for Regional Services, Territories and Local Government, Senator Ian Macdonald and the Federal Member for Blair, Mr Cameron Thompson were on hand to congratulate the community and the Nanango Shire at the opening.

If you would like to discuss arrangements for field officer assistance or want information about the RTC Programme, please telephone the RTC Secretariat on freecall 1 800 038 160.