CivEnEx 2001 a great success

CivEnEx 2001, staged from 21-24 February, was a great success. The largest civil engineering expo in the Southern Hemisphere once again attracted large crowds.

“The weather cooperated and the exhibition went well,” said Frank Sticka, Event Manager. “I would like to see CivEnEx stay at Warwick Farm as we need to develop an all weather site.”

Staged by the New South Wales Division of the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia, numbers were similar to last year with over 5,500 people visiting some 350 indoor and outdoor exhibitors. A highlight was the ‘Springboard Day’ held on the first day of the exhibition.

“This comprised a series of workshops to engage participants in discussion,” said Suzanna Barnes-Gillard, Professional Development Manager and Conference Manager.

There were three streams – Safety, Planning and Management and New Products. In New products, exhibitors were invited to make presentations on any new product or service. Twelve exhibitors presented.

“In the Safety stream there were sessions on the Construction Safety Act, OH&S and work method statements, the Bankstown City Council site induction program and traffic control,” Suzanna Barnes-Gillard said.

The Planning and Management stream offered sessions on financial planning, the New South Wales RTA single invitation contract, the role of the works officer in Local Government and managing contracts and projects. The sessions in both streams were well received and attendees contributed to the day with many questions and plenty of feedback.

“Our expectations were more than exceeded with 120 people attending,” Suzanna Barnes-Gillard said.

Planning is already under way for a similarly successful CivEnEx in 2002, which will definitely include another ‘Springboard Day’.