In April, Mayor of Gosnells, Councillor Pat Morris, presented Thornlie Senior High School with a $1,000 marketing sponsorship. The local high school received the sponsorship for a Vocational Education and Training (VET) Programme funded under Council’s Community Sponsorship Programme.
“The school coordinates a programme called the Study of Teaching, which involves a group of students who undertake hands on education training, as they are considering pursuing teaching as a possible profession after leaving school,” Councillor Morris said. “The Thornlie Senior High School is the only school in Australia currently running this innovative programme.”
VET Coordinator at Thornlie Senior High School, Kerrie Holmes, said that students and teachers from the school will travel to Kalgoorlie in May to promote the Study of Teaching initiative.
“We are taking 23 year 11 and 12 students on an excursion to Kalgoorlie to provide them with work experience in Western Australian schools that are rural or remote in location,” she said. The aim of the excursion is to promote to our future teachers the advantages of teaching in areas they may not have considered before.”
The students who participate in the excursion to Kalgoorlie will also visit the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder. They will present a plaque from the City of Gosnells to build closer ties between the two Councils.
For further information on the Community Sponsorship Programme, contact Council’s Sponsorship and Funding Officer, Patrick Quigley, on (08) 9452 9907.