A Model Development Control Plan (DCP) has been launched by the Sydney Coastal Councils Group (SCCG). This will provide Councils with a planning mechanism for consistent and coordinated protection and management of wetlands across the Sydney coastal region.
The Model Development Control Plan: Protecting Sydney’s Wetlands was developed by the Protecting Wetland Steering Committee (PWSC) and the SCCG.
SCCG comprises 16 member Councils with sea and harbour frontages in Sydney. They include Botany, Hornsby, Leichhardt, Manly, Mosman, North Sydney, Pittwater, Randwick, Rockdale, South Sydney, Sutherland, Sydney, Warringah, Waverley, Willoughby and Woollahra.
The Group is concerned with the promotion of cooperation and coordination to achieve the sustainable management of the urban coastal environment.
PWSC has representatives from the Department of Land and Water Conservation, NSW Fisheries, Department of Urban Affairs and Planning Environment Australia, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, State Wetlands Advisory Committee, Sydney Water, NSW University (scientific advisor) and SCCG.
Feedback has indicated that the Model would be extremely useful for member Councils to protect over 100 wetlands remaining in the SCCG area. There is also considerable interest in the applicability of the Model to Local Government areas across the country.
The aims of the Model DCP include the following.
- Protect Sydney wetlands from any further inappropriate development.
- Protect, restore and maintain ecological processes.
- Encourage best management practices.
- Provide clear information and advice to developers and development consent authorities.
- Improve quality wetland planning, management and education.
- Improve compliance with other legislation, plans and policies.
For a number of years, governments and the community have recognised the importance of wetlands through a range of policies and strategies. However, a specific planning instrument has not been developed for Sydney, until now.
The State Environmental Planning Policy No. 14 – Coastal Wetlands does not apply to Sydney. The model DCP aims to fill this gap, providing Councils and relevant State Government agencies with an instrument that can be adopted and amended appropriately to suit local areas.
The DCP was prepared with the financial assistance of the Natural Heritage Trust Coast and Clean Seas – Coastal Marine Planning Program together with significant in kind support from several key NSW State agencies and member Councils. The SCCG will be providing member Councils with training for the implementation of the DCP in June.
For further information contact Geoff Withycombe, telephone (02) 9411 8215 or email sccg@region.net.au