As the adage goes: ‘If you think education is expensive – try ignorance’. Having already reaped significant reward from its educational and consultative outlook, AlburyCity is further developing Wonga Wetlands as a major multi-level educational resource.
Since the Aquatic Environment Education Centre opened late last year, it has attracted hundreds of school, TAFE and University students as well as community and interest groups.
Environmental Program Coordinator, Mike Copland said the Centre enables the unique story of AlburyCity’s wastewater management to be told, as well as providing information and courses for the community on all AlburyCity environmental projects.
There is a strong link with local Wiradjuri Elder, Pastor Ces Grant. This friendship with AlburyCity forms the basis for a planned 3.2 hectare area which will be developed into a cultural centre exhibiting indigenous methods of living. The space will include a cultural centre featuring a campsite established along traditional lines as well as information and artefacts related to traditional indigenous customs.