Biodiversity Toolbox

By Paul Bateson *

A ‘scatter-gun’ approach was the way one Council representative described the approach to biodiversity conservation in his Local Government area. The speaker was one of about 20 participants at the Biodiversity Toolbox Regional Workshop held in the Shoalhaven City Library on 4 June 2003.

The ‘Toolbox’ is a web based collection of information, resources, tools, examples and links, designed to assist Local Governments incorporate biodiversity conservation into their core business.

It is also of value to other regional natural resource managers.

The purpose of this pilot workshop was to road test the Toolbox with potential users. If Councils embed biodiversity conservation in their business culture, then those ‘scatter-gun’ biodiversity programs and projects will be more strategic, more integrated and more successful. An integral part of the Toolbox is a benchmarking process to map out and measure progress and achievements. As plants, animals and all those organisms we lump under ‘biodiversity’ do not recognise Council boundaries, a Council approach to biodiversity conservation needs to consider the regional context.

Recognising the need for Local Government and regional natural resource management (NRM) bodies to work together on biodiversity issues, the Workshop brought together representatives from seven local Councils, two regional NRM bodies, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Planning NSW, and the Green Web project encompassing 41 Sydney Councils. This dynamic workshop helped participants see how the Toolbox could assist their planning and positively influence everyday operations, and gave Environment Australia valuable feedback for additions and improvements.

The Biodiversity Toolbox was developed for Environment Australia by Environs Australia, and is on the EA website at For further information, contact Sally Stephens, phone (02) 6274 2315, email

* Paul Bateson is a Member of the IUCN (World Conservation Union) Commission on Education and Communication and joint Workshop facilitator with Adam Richards, who at Ku-ring-gai Council in 1991, established the first Local Government bushcare program in Australia.