Residents in Victoria’s City of Wyndham are making the most of a variety of special offers and benefits at a number of tourism hotspots – free of charge! Under the Ambassador Passport program, Wyndham residents over the age of 18 can collect a free passport that entitles the bearer to benefits at a number of Wyndham attractions, such as ‘buy one get one free’ entry to the Werribee Mansion and complimentary wine tasting at the Shadowfax Winery.
Participating attractions include the Mansion at Werribee Park; the Mansion Hotel; Point Cook Homestead; the RAAF Museum; Victoria’s Open Range Zoo; the Shadowfax Winery; and Werribee Park Golf Club.
The Ambassador Passport program is a partnership between Wyndham City Council and the participating tourism operators. It is listed as a goal in Wyndham’s Quality Community Plan, a document which outlines the community’s vision for Wyndham’s future. The aim of the program is to increase the awareness and participation among locals of the attractions in Wyndham.
Wyndham Mayor, Councillor Karen Roberts, is the number one passport holder of the program and is a proud supporter of the initiative. The Mayor said that the Ambassador Passport aims to encourage people to visit the excellent tourism attractions right in their own backyard.
“The passport is also a great opportunity for residents to introduce visiting friends and relatives to all that Wyndham has to offer,” the Mayor said.
Since March, some 300 local people have collected their Passport from the Werribee Visitor Information Centre.