ICLEI can help your Council

The International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) is an international democratic association of Local Governments implementing sustainable development. ICLEI’s mission is to build and serve a worldwide movement of Local Governments to achieve tangible improvements in global environmental and sustainable development conditions, through the cumulative impact of local action.

ICLEI focuses on tangible environmental improvements

ICLEI Australia New Zealand (A/NZ) focuses on two elements. The first is capacity building campaigns, such as the Cities for Climate Protection (CCP™) Campaign and the Water Campaign™; and the second element is sustainable development activities, such as the Green Purchasing Pilot Program approach and Triple Bottom Line (TBL) training system.

ICLEI’s unique approach to sustainable development

ICLEI’s approach includes a well tested and strategic Milestone Framework and quantification methodology. This is combined with technical, political and promotional support, training workshops, access to a range of resources and materials, and multiple networking opportunities at local, national and international levels.

ICLEI campaigns and projects underway in 2003

  • CCP™ Australia Program – ICLEI’s biggest campaign has expanded to 171 Councils in Australia covering over 70 per cent of the population (May 2003). Cities for Climate Protection™ Australia is delivered by ICLEI in collaboration with the Australian Greenhouse Office (AGO). Visit www.iclei.org/ccp-au
  • CCP™ Rural Victoria Program – This is a new component of CCP™ Australia that focuses on reducing greenhouse gas emissions from associated land use activities in rural Local Governments. This program is funded by the Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment.
  • Alliances Initiative – Alliances is an ICLEI international program under development. It provides a mechanism to bring Councils together as potential partners for information sharing and cooperative projects. ICLEI is currently seeking registrations for the ‘Renewables’ Alliance.
  • CCP™ Plus – Many Councils in the CCP™ Australia Program are already engaging in the next phase of the Program: CCP™ Plus. This new initiative is designed to further assist Councils who have achieved Milestone 5 to deepen their greenhouse gas abatement activity.
  • Sustainable Transport Unit – This new unit focuses on practical transport activities that reduce greenhouse emissions and improve urban liveability. The Unit has a number of projects underway and is funded through support from the AGO and the VicHealth Foundation.
  • CCP™ New Zealand Campaign – Approval has been granted from the New Zealand (NZ) Cabinet to establish CCP™ NZ in 2003.
  • The Water Campaign™ Australia – ICLEI’s newest campaign commenced in 2002 and now involves 31 Councils Australia wide (May 2003). The Campaign utilises ICLEI’s performance based model and new online software. Visit www.iclei.org/anz/water/water.htm
  • Triple Bottom Line Toolkit (TBL) – Completed in conjunction with the City of Melbourne, and further developed with the Cities of Wyndham and Coffs Harbour. ICLEI is working with Local Governments in the development of TBL decision making tools and reporting mechanisms. It is also offering training packages to support the implementation of the tools within Councils. ICLEI can provide a service specifically designed to suit the needs of your Council.
  • Green Purchasing Pilot Program – Commenced in late 2002 with ten pilot Councils in four States, working on program elements and tools development.
  • Local Action 21 Unit – This new unit has been established to deliver the programs, projects and activities that form the Local Action 21 Toolkit.

The New Bottom Line

ICLEI A/NZ is the first non-profit organisation in Australia to conduct a Triple Bottom Line (TBL) assessment of our operations. Triple Bottom Line (TBL) is a framework to review environmental, economic and social performance. ICLEI’s TBL Report will be available shortly on the ICLEI A/NZ website at www.iclei.org/anz

New opportunity for Councils – Leaders Managing for Sustainability

ICLEI and the City of Melbourne are pleased to announce an exciting new initiative available exclusively to Victorian Local Government Chief Executive Officers and senior management. Leaders Managing for Sustainability is a 12 month leadership program available solely to Local Government leaders, that focuses on practical knowledge and integration tools to assist delivery on sustainability issues. ICLEI A/NZ is currently seeking participants from Victorian Councils for this new initiative. Register your interest by 30 June 2003 to be part of this exciting new approach to networking.

Local action adds up!

Over the past three years, ICLEI has produced an Annual CCP™ Measures Evaluation Report. This outlines an outstanding series of achievements by CCP™ Councils at various stages of the Program, through their investing of resources into implementing greenhouse gas abatement strategies. The 2003 Measures Evaluation Report process has begun and will be available in October 2003. The 2002 Report is available on the CCP™ website at www.iclei.org/ccp-au/publication/158.pdf

Is your Council interested in becoming an environmental leader? For further information on ICLEI A/NZ’s programs, campaigns and activities visit the ICLEI website at www.iclei.org/anz or contact us on (03) 9639 8688. For an outline of current opportunities for Council participation download the ICLEI A/NZ Member and Participant Services Opportunities for Involvement in 2003/2004 booklet at www.iclei.org/anz whatsnewish.html

For further information please visit www.iclei.org/anz/.