The IPWEA/RTA Local Government Road Safety Strategy works to raise the priority of road safety in Local Government. This is achieved through support for council road safety strategic planning, the administration of funding for local road safety initiatives, and through the presentation of annual Local Government Excellence in Road Safety Awards to recognise outstanding council achievements. The IPWEA/RTA Strategy is one element of the NSW Local Government Road Safety Program conducted as part of Road Safety 2010, a framework for increasing road safety in NSW over the next decade.
Local Government Excellence Road Safety Awards
In 2003 the Local Government Excellence in Road Safety Awards attracted 20 nominations from some 36 councils across NSW. The awards are sponsored by the Motor Accidents Authority. For further information contact Angela Delli-Pizzi, Road Safety Project Manager, telephone (02) 8267 3012.
Tamworth City Council
Speed and It’ll Cost You
Speed and It’ll Cost You is a youth oriented speed reduction project conducted by Tamworth City Council.
The project included a research phase featuring an attitudinal survey, youth focus groups and a Youth Talk Back Radio Forum. Speed counts were conducted in identified problem areas with courtesy speed checks used to raise awareness of speeding behaviour.
The project also incorporated an enhanced enforcement component. Personal story editorials, together with television and radio advertisements, supported the educational components of the program.
The project clearly identified target groups and local environments through local research, and project strategies were chosen that demonstrated a good combination of education, encouragement and increased enforcement.
This resulted in a strong, multifaceted cross disciplinary program.
The team has been able to report on outcomes in relation to the project objectives through the careful selection of achievable and measurable performance criteria.
Linking with a broad cross section of community representatives and stakeholders, this project has achieved a sustainable long term commitment to road safety in the Tamworth area.
Congratulations to Tamworth City Council.
Gosford City Council and Wyong Shire Council
Central Coast Night Owl Bus Service
The Central Coast Night Owl Bus Service project implemented a variety of initiatives to support the local community in making appropriate choices about transport home from licensed premises. Aimed at reducing the incidence of drink driving in the Gosford and Wyong areas, the project included the provision of a late night bus service. The service operated on Friday and Saturday nights from midnight to 4 am, between Gosford, Terrigal and The Entrance, throughout December 2002 and January 2003.
Included in the project strategy was a media campaign and the production of a range of resources to support the service and provide information in relation to drink driving issues and counter-measures. The project demonstrated integration into the community in a sustainable way and provided excellent reporting of outcomes against project objectives. The Central Coast Night Owl Bus Service is an excellent demonstration of improvements to an established project.
Congratulations to Gosford City Council and Wyong Shire Council.
Cessnock City Council
Motorcycling in Hunter Valley Wine Country
Cessnock City Council implemented the project following research indicating that a large proportion of motorcycle crashes were occurring on a single main road, a winding scenic route through the region.
An educational program was developed for riders in consultation with the Motorcycle Council of NSW. A brochure was produced including information and maps of the area, and was distributed throughout locations frequented by rider groups.
Variable message signs were used at strategic sites along the route to provide information, and a pilot of new RTA motorcycling specific road signage was implemented. Local media reports also supported the program.
In making the award the judges noted that the project was developed in response to a local issue and it built on the capacity of local stakeholders to contribute to road safety. It also attracted statewide resources, with the piloting of new motorcycle specific signage.
Congratulations to Cessnock City Council.