Australians produce around five billion litres of sewage a day. Apart from environmental issues, expenditure for water authorities and Councils operating sewage treatment plants continues to rise. This is particularly the case for chemicals used, as well as for haulage of sludge to offsite sludge management facilities. New Green Technology provides major savings in sludge management.
Fortunately, a major breakthrough by Virotec, an Australian environmental technology company, is set to revolutionise sewage treatment with its new ViroSewage™ Technology. By applying ViroSewage™ Technology, sludge texture is enhanced, improving agglomeration. Consequently, on dewatering, the solids content of the bio-cake increases by some 20 per cent.
This translates to 20 per cent less water being transported. For a sewerage treatment plant spending $500,000 per annum in haulage costs, this is an approximate saving of $100,000.
ViroSewage™ Technology can also reduce the amount of polymer used to prepare the sludge for dewatering by up to 60 per cent. Furthermore, the treated stabilised bio-solids can be re-used as an environmentally safe, odourless and superior soil conditioner ideal for parks, golf courses and gardens. It is also helping local companies meet required standards. Many local Councils, unfortunately, have industrial companies discharging toxic industrial wastewater into their sewage systems. Often these companies are struggling to find effective, economical solutions in meeting EPA standards.
Virotec’s new ViroFlow™ Technology removes heavy metals from wastewaters generated by industries, like electroplating and tanneries, so Councils can advise such companies that there is now an economical solution available to them.
For further information contact Virotec on (07) 5530 8014 or visit the website for case studies at