Across Australia Council’s are struggling with the increased risk of litigation associated with the management of infrastructure assets. The latest release of AssetMaster, from asset and spatial management specialist InfoMaster, incorporates a variety of tools to help Councils more effectively manage risk.
Deterioration in condition is a key contributor to increased risk. AssetMaster incorporates a maintenance scheduling program that prompts asset managers when vital maintenance work and inspections are due.
Work and inspections can be scheduled based on time or meter readings. Once a supervisor has confirmed that the work should proceed, a work order is produced for the outdoor staff members undertaking the work, incorporating details of the tasks to be completed, and a map of the location. AssetMaster can also be used to measure the condition of assets and the risk they may pose to the public. Condition and risk measurements are recorded in the field using FieldWorker.
Further details on AssetMaster and FieldWorker can be obtained by phoning InfoMaster on (02) 9567 7366 or visit