Mosman residents fully understand how lucky they are to share the shores of Sydney Harbour and precious areas of urban bushland. These are valuable natural assets, but they need help if they are to thrive, and continue to provide places of peace, quiet and enjoyment, as well as habitat for native plants and animals. To help preserve its bushland areas, Mosman Council is asking residents to be ‘Be a Bush Friendly Neighbour’ – and help create the right environment for bushland, native plants and animals.
“Although we live in the largest city in Australia, as residents of Manly and Mosman we are so fortunate to have beautiful bushland right on our doorstep,” said Councillor David Strange, Mayor of Mosman.
Bushland reserves are places for us all to enjoy the abundance of native flora and fauna, dramatic landscapes and peace and quiet. They are for everyone to appreciate, but they can be threatened by the constant pressure of human activity.
“The way in which we live and maintain our gardens can have a dramatic impact on the overall health of the bush,” said Lyndall Pickering, Council’s Environmental Officer Communications. “It’s a simple matter to do what’s right for you, your backyard and your local bushland.”
To get the word out, the Bush Friendly Neighbours team has produced a ‘Bush Friendly Neighbour Brochure’ that has been distributed to local residents. With practical and simple tips on how to create the right environment for native plants and animals, it includes the following.
- Choosing native plants that provide food for native animals.
- Removing weeds that invade local bushland.
- Being a responsible pet owner – keeping dogs on a leash and cats indoors at night.
- Ensuring homes and property are fire safe by removing dumped vegetation and debris.
- Conserving water by mulching garden clippings and only watering during the cool of the day.
- Using environmentally friendly alternatives to pesticides and fertilisers. Natural deterrents like the native blue tongue lizard eat pests like snails and slugs.