Benalla Art Gallery

Recently, the Victorian Arts Minister, Mary Delahunty, unveiled Benalla Art Gallery’s latest acquisition. Titled ‘The Arc – aftermath of bushfires, north east of Victoria’ by artist Rick Amor, the painting was commissioned by the Gallery with funding from the LH Ledger trust and the Friends of the Benalla Art Gallery Inc.

Rick Amor is well known and respected in all art circles around the world, with experience as an Official War Artist in East Timor.He has works in the Australian National Gallery, all State Galleries and many regional galleries.

The Benalla Art Gallery is very pleased to be able to include his work in its permanent collection. The painting relates specifically to the north east, and one of its devastating but fortunately infrequent events.

The recent bushfires in the north east of Victoria were the worst on record. From the top of Mt Buffalo, for instance, the landscape was burnt to the horizon in every direction. Being the Regional Art Gallery for the north east, and experiencing first hand the community struggle to battle the fires, the devastation of many rural crops and the days and weeks of smoke haze, the Gallery wanted to commission a picture recording the impact of the bushfires.

With little time – it was important that the artist experienced the devastation at first hand – the Gallery approached Rick Amor with a plan but no funding. Rick agreed to visit the region and after a briefing from the Department of Primary Industry travelled to Bright and commenced the picture with studies and sketches. The Gallery convinced the funding agencies of the importance of the opportunity and the stunning result will tell the story of the 2003 bushfires forever.

“This is a wonderful outcome from a terrible situation,” said Councillor Geoff Oliver, Mayor of Benalla Rural City. “While we wouldn’t want to see the likes of the recent bushfires again, there is no doubt that this wonderful painting by one of Australia’s great artists would not otherwise have been possible.”

The community is benefiting twice from this commission. The full commission fee has been returned to the community by Rick Amor and his commercial representative, Niagara Galleries, through a donation to the CFA.

For further information contact the Benalla Art Gallery on (03) 5762 3027.