The coastline near Owen Anchorage, only 4.5 kilometres south of Fremantle, is the site of the proposed Port Coogee development. The 115 hectare site includes 58 hectares of disused industrial land and 15 hectares of shallow coastal waters. Port Coogee is proposed to be developed as a joint venture between the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) and private construction company Port Catherine Developments.
Cockburn City Council, as the responsible authority, must amend its Town Planning Scheme before the development can proceed. Council initiated an amendment in January, but it must be considered by WAPC and the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) before it can be advertised for public comment.
“The City appreciates the high level of interest the community is likely to have in the amendment,” said Council’s Manager Strategic Planning Services, Simon O’Sullivan. “In this regard, the City will give ample opportunity for the community to have input.”
The development of Port Coogee will include remediation of land contaminated by past industrial use; a range of single and multiple residential lots and canal lots; a marina, breakwater, boat harbour, jetties, moorings and associated amenities; commercial office, retail, hotel, and restaurant space; and community facilities, including parklands, beaches, water based activity areas and bike paths along the foreshore.
The Environmental Protection Authority has said the development would be unlikely to compromise EPA objectives, provided certain conditions are met. Port Catherine Developments has submitted a draft Local Structure Plan for the development, which is being considered by Council.
For further information contact Council’s Manager Strategic Planning Services, Simon O’Sullivan, on (08) 9411 3574.