Maroochy Shire is an ecologically rich and rapidly developing part of south east Queensland. To protect this precious environment, Council’s Shire-wide vegetation mapping project has generated important electronic data that is being used in the enforcement of its Vegetation Management Local Law. The outcomes are also supporting State and Federal vegetation protection laws.
A range of mapping products support the implementation of Council’s planning scheme, the Maroochy Plan. Between February and June 2002, Council’s $50,000 Ecosystem Mapping Project was undertaken to identify the area’s key regional ecosystems. The project involved the application of a new generation of satellite imagery, IKONOS, which includes a near infra red component and a much higher level of detail than earlier satellite imagery.
Ecosystem types were interpreted from images recorded by IKONOS, then verified on the ground by local ecology experts. The final outcome was a highly accurate and comprehensive information resource, showing regional ecosystems to a scale of 1:5000.
This information is now being assessed by the Queensland State Herbarium for use under the State Vegetation Management Act. It is being used by Council to identify areas of special significance under the Maroochy Plan and is the basis of a broader Shire Biodiversity Mapping project.
This project will identify the habitats of over 80 rare, threatened and endangered species. Natural resource data will be analysed and integrated into digital habitat ‘models’ with species observations recorded by the local Nature Search group. The models will show where the listed species have been observed and where they are likely to be observed given their preferred habitat type.
For further information contact GIS Team Leader Mal Cullen or GIS Officer Ross Jenkins, email or telephone (07) 5441 8443.