Connecting and building

An outstanding array of speakers will address the seventh national Sustainable Economic Growth for Regional Australia Conference (SEGRA) being held in Gold Coast City from 15–17 September 2003. ‘Building Resilient Regions: Actions for a Sustainable Future’ is the theme for this year’s Conference.

Director of the SEGRA Secretariat, Kate Charters, said that SEGRA provides an opportunity for regional Australia to focus on key issues impacting on its future. This includes collecting and managing strategic information, developing articulated frameworks and creating integrated policies, developing allies and partnerships, gaining and exerting influence, tackling governance, and building capacity to sustain economic growth.

Key speakers at the Conference include Wilson Tuckey, MP, Minister for Regional Services, Territories and Local Government; Martin Ferguson, Shadow Minister for Regional Development, Transport, Infrastructure and Tourism; ·Cr Alan Rickard, Deputy Mayor, Gold Coast City Council; Bernard Salt, KPMG Partner; and John Goddard, Chief Financial Officer, Bendigo Bank.

The SEGRA 2003 conference provides an excellent opportunity for academics, Government officials, private business and industry groups as well as economic development practitioners to discuss and debate key issues for the advancement of economic growth in regional Australia. Concurrent sessions will include study tour options to the Gold Coast Hinterland Wine Country and the Gold Coast Marine Precinct – both outstanding examples of successful industry cluster groups and the benefits of ongoing commitment to collaborative and cohesive practices.

A full copy of the program and registration details may be viewed on the SEGRA web site at

For more information, or to arrange interviews and photo opportunities, contact Kate Charters, SEGRA Secretariat on (07) 3210 0021 or email