Esperance moves to

Commercial recycling has started in Esperance Shire, south of Perth, following the enormous success of its residential recycling program. Since it started recycling 19 months ago, Council has collected 849 tonnes of material from residents. More than 30 schools, businesses and other organisations are now participating in the program, with 18 more getting involved in August.

Council introduced a 1,100 litre bulk recycling bin and reduced collection charges to encourage businesses to participate. Shire President, Ian Mickel, said commercial recycling was ‘a natural progression’ from community recycling.

“I congratulate all businesses that have adopted this environmental initiative,” he said. “It’s a great thing they are doing for their business as well as the environment of Esperance.”

Recycling Project Officer, Carmel Breman, said a second weekly collection would be considered as more businesses came on board.

“The whole concept of commercial recycling is about speaking with businesses and working out how to cater for their needs,” she said.

Businesses can recycle the same items as residents, but cardboard and shrink wrap plastics are the most common materials collected from the commercial sector.

For further information contact Carmel Breman, email or telephone (07) 9071 0620.