The thriving coastal City of Redcliffe has been named South East Queensland’s Tidiest Town for the second year running. Redcliffe, situated on the shores of Moreton Bay, 35 km from Brisbane, out performed 49 other Councils in the region.
“Redcliffe’s strong sense of community and our spirit of participation and cooperation certainly impressed the judges,” said Mayor Alan Boulton. “All Redcliffe residents can be proud of this achievement, our beautiful City and their own contributions towards improving the local lifestyle.”
Chief Executive Officer of Queensland’s Keep Australia Beautiful Council, Barton Green, said Redcliffe had always been a strong performer in the Ergon Energy Tidy Towns competition. The judge’s comments were as follows.
“It is a rare thing for a community to be selected as a Tidiest Town, with even longer odds to take out that title two years running.Redcliffe has achieved this impressive feat by continuing with its progressive, inclusive and sustainable approach to managing a community.
“Redcliffe is defining its modern identity, recognising community needs and building a great sense of community spirit.From the work done by many volunteers, who carry out significant tasks across the City, to the support for women and youth groups via the youth space facility, Redcliffe offers a sense of community which is often not easy to find in large populations.
“Redcliffe has developed a number of key management strategies, including for tourism, and is finalising its role within a regional waste management strategy. Redcliffe can be justifiably proud of its achievements and is encouraged to continue to build upon its community partnerships.”
Redcliffe will compete against seven other regional finalists in the State title, to be announced in Cairns on 1 September. A total of 261 Queensland towns entered this year’s competition.
For further information contact Barton Green on (07) 3252 2886.