Rockhampton history

Rockhampton residents will be able to list significant local landmarks on a new register aimed at preserving the City’s rich heritage. Planning and Development Committee Chair, Councillor Vicki Bastin-Byrne, said the Heritage Register would be introduced as part of Council’s draft City Plan in early September.

“Many Rockhampton sites are protected by the State Heritage Act, but only if they are of State or national significance,” she said. “Many sites of local or regional heritage value may be lost or diminished by incorrect management or development.”

Sites will be placed on the new Heritage Register with the owners’ consent. The draft City Plan is on display for public comment and has been approved by the State Government.

“The new City Plan is an important document that will shape our city’s growth,” Councillor Bastin-Byrne said.

For further information contact Council’s Planning Services Unit on (07) 4936 8343.