Sub-surface watering

Sub-surface drip irrigation can save around 40 per cent in water consumption when compared with a surface pop-up sprinkler system, and even more when compared with quick coupling valve systems. Unlike surface pop-up sprinkler systems, the drip tube is located at the root zone – in turf approximately 200 mm below the soil surface – so there is no evaporation, run-off or wind-drift.

The water, therefore, is being put where it is going to do the most good – where the plant needs it. In addition, because the system is below the surface there are no parts on the surface to be damaged by mowers or vandals.

So if sub-surface drip irrigation can save water consumption and vandalism costs – then why not consider it when assessing your irrigation installation requirements?

Greene Eden Watering Systems Pty Ltd has specialised in sub-surface drip irrigation design and installation for nearly ten years. Though it took some time to be broadly accepted, after the installation of well over two million metres of drip tube, the proof is out there, and it really can’t, and more importantly, shouldn’t, be ignored.

Many ovals, sportsfields, reserves and other turfed sites are testament to the fact that sub- surface drip irrigation works – and works very well, providing that it has been designed and installed by experienced contractors. Along with many urban South Australian Councils, those located in the arid areas have been quick to see the sense in watering sub-surface – especially where evaporation is such a major water robber.

Ceduna, Port Augusta, Whyalla, Port Pirie, Flinders Ranges, Cleve, Lower Eyre Peninsula and Yorke Peninsula have all had sites installed, but the one that stands out is Diamantina Council – Birdsville. The installation of a sub-surface drip system at the Birdsville Oval last summer, followed by seeding/plugging in early autumn, now has it looking supremely green against the harsh desert backdrop.

For further information contact Greene Eden Watering Systems, telephone (08) 8262 8460, fax (08) 8262 8465 or email

* Copy supplied by Greene Eden Watering Systems Pty Ltd.