Working towards consistency

After much time and effort, the Roads Alliance Road and Bridge Asset Management Kit has been distributed to all Local Governments in Queensland.

The Kit is the result of the work undertaken by the Roads Alliance Asset Management Committee over the past 12 months.

This Committee combined the experience and expertise of technical and elected representatives from eight Local Governments, consulting engineers, representatives from the Queensland Audit Office and Local Government Grants Commission, as well as officers from the Local Government Association of Queensland and Department of Main Roads.

The result is the production of a Statewide road and bridge asset management framework.

The Kit supports a key outcome of the Roads Alliance; that is, the achievement of basic and consistent asset management practices across Main Roads and all Local Governments throughout Queensland.

The Statewide specifications ensure that comparable data outputs are produced by Local Government and Main Roads.

The release of the Kit is only one part of the total asset management task for the Roads Alliance.

LGAQ believes that in light of the AusLink proposal, these initiatives demonstrate to the Commonwealth Government that Queensland is making a genuine effort to improve and better coordinate the management of the State’s valuable road network.

For further information contact LGAQ’s Policy Officer – Roads, Transport and Infrastructure, Simone Talbot, on (07) 3000 2246.