4th National Local

More than 420 delegates from all states and territories attended the 4th National Local Roads Congress in Kalgoorlie, Western Australia, on June 30 – July 1, 2003.

They heard that the local road network is under increasing pressure, with freight and passenger transport forecast to increase dramatically over the next decade. Delegates discussed a wide range of challenges and opportunities facing Local Government as it responds to these concerns.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Transport and Regional Services, John Anderson, addressed the Congress, telling delegates the Australian Government recognises that Local Government has a critical role in supporting Australia’s road system.

In 2003/04, the Australian Government will provide more than $760 million in local roads funding, including support under the Roads to Recovery Programme (R2R). R2R is the largest commitment by any Australian Government towards fixing Australia’s local roads, and an important example of its partnership approach with Local Government.

The Australian Government recognises that Councils have the best understanding of their road needs and are best placed to make decisions about funding priorities.

Delegates welcomed commitments made by the Deputy Prime Minister, that included the following.

  • The existing R2R Programme, the Black Spot Programme and Financial Assistance Grants will be quarantined from the AusLink Programme.
  • The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) should be a full signatory to the AusLink Intergovernmental Agreement.
  • The Australian Government will support discussions on a Local Government capacity building programme for best practice data collection and asset management. Australian Government officials attending the Congress acknowledged the extent of Local Government’s commitment to the local road network, progress in asset management, and welcomed ALGA’s involvement with, and Local Government participation in, the AusLink processes to date; and that AusLink will take into account existing regional transport planning mechanisms. Delegates unanimously adopted the following five resolutions, including several relating to R2R.
  • Total support for the continuation of the Programme beyond 2005.
  • That funding for a renewed Programme be doubled as concluded in the evaluation of the Programme.
  • That funding be fully indexed.
  • That the next Programme must remain separate from AusLink funding and have the same criteria for funding as applies to the current Programme.
  • A renewed Programme must be based on principles, as identified in the R2R evaluation.

Delegates also supported the ALGA campaign and called on Councils throughout Australia to inform and gain the commitment of their local Australian Government members for the renewal of the R2R. A unified approach was necessary to secure the renewal of R2R, recognising the mutual benefits to metropolitan, regional and rural communities.

ALGA will convene the 5th National Local Roads Congress at Tanunda in the Barossa Valley in South Australia on 11–13 July, 2004.

A full transcript of the Congress Communique can be found at ALGA’s website at www.alga.asn.au/policy/roads/2003roadsCongress/