Twenty-two newly elected Mayors gathered in the Shire of Yarra Ranges for the Victorian Local Governance Association’s Essential Weekend for Mayors from 11–13 April. Dubbed ‘Mayors’ School’ by one participant, it gave Mayors the opportunity to network with their peers and reflect on the challenges and opportunities of their mayoral year.
For second and third time participants it was a chance to draw breath and ‘recharge their batteries’ for the year ahead.
Councillor Support and Development Officer, Leigh Snelling, said participants came from all over Victoria and included four Mayors from Councils that are not VLGA members.
The weekend began with a welcome from Shire of Yarra Ranges Mayor, Alan Fincher, who acknowledged the region’s traditional owners. On Saturday, speakers gave participants information and inspiration about the mayoral role, leadership, governance, relations with staff and the CEO, and leading the Council team.
Speakers included former City of Melbourne Lord Mayor, Ivan Deveson, Frankston City Council, Mayor Cathy Wilson, and City of Greater Geelong CEO, Kay Rundle. Bayside Mayor, Ken Beadle, held a wonderful ‘laughter workshop’.
“We were pleased to have the Minister for Local Government, Candy Broad, address the group and interact with some of the Mayors,” Leigh Snelling said. “This was followed on Sunday morning by opportunities to think strategically about dealing with new responsibilities and crises, in workshop sessions such as ‘Meeting the Challenge’ and ‘Resourcing the Role’.
The workshops were led by VLGA Executive Officer, Andrew Rowe.
“The variety, richness and depth of Mayors’ experience is remarkable and the range of skills and knowledge they are able to draw upon to inform their actions and those of their peers is always impressive,” Andrew Rowe said.
Included among the Mayors in attendance were educators, corporate executives, farmers, community activists, parents and grandparents, public servants, an author, a journalist, the president of an AFL cheer squad and a barrister.
“What they all had in common was a passionate belief in their own Cities and Shires and a desire to be the best possible Mayor for their Council,” Andrew Rowe said. “Through sharing experiences with each other, we were able to broaden their understanding of the possibilities and new approaches for working with their communities, Council and staff.”
The Essential Mayors’ Weekend is part of the VLGA’s ongoing Professional Development Program for Councillors. For further information contact Leigh Snelling, email or telephone (03) 9347 2233.