Since 1986 the National Office of Local Government has been recognising, rewarding and promoting innovation, excellence and leading practices of Local Government. The Awards also give Local Government the opportunity to share their experiences in addressing the challenges being faced by their communities. In 2002 there was a special award sponsored by Family and Community Services for strengthening Indigenous communities.
Community Capacity Building: Strengthening Indigenous Communities
This award aims to highlight initiatives by Local Government and Community Councils that are demonstrating innovation and/or excellence in their approach to increasing opportunities for engagement by Indigenous people in the affairs of the local community. The 2002 Category winner was the Town of Port Hedland in Western Australia for its Courthouse Arts Centre and Gallery.
The Town of Port Hedland also won the National Rural Award for Excellence. The project’s objective was to create a sustainable partnership between the Town of Port Hedland and the Pilbara Arts Craft and Design Aboriginal Corporation.