City of Adelaide parking and information officers now have the opportunity to gain a nationally recognised qualification. The Certificate III in Local Government (Governance and Administration) Authorised Officer course aims to give parking officers a better understanding of their job, and a structured career path.
Speaking at a recent graduation ceremony for Parking and Information Officers, Coordinator of Local Government Studies at Adelaide Institute of TAFE, Geoff Sheridan, congratulated Council on its leadership.
“In developing this program, Adelaide City Council has created a model that is the envy of the other capital cities,” Geoff Sheridan said. “The role of a Parking and Information Officer is difficult but important, as they are the public face of the Council. The officers must be polite but firm in their actions, while having a working knowledge of up to ten different Acts of Parliament, as every infringement notice has the possibility of ending up in Court.”
Geoff Sheridan congratulated officers who graduated, saying many had overcome a range of fears and emotions to succeed. He said the officers had to deal with the difficulties of returning to study, and the discipline of balancing course demands with their personal lives.
“We have seen these staff become very competent and confident officers – Adelaide City Council can be very proud of them,” Geoff Sheridan said.
Perth City Council is keen to adopt Adelaide’s approach after hosting a successful national parking conference.
For further information contact Adelaide’s Team Leader of Parking and Information Officers, Craig Hawkings, email, or telephone (08) 8203 7666.