Playford invests in

Volunteers at the City of Playford, South Australia, can attain a national Certificate in Aged Care, through a TAFE based training program developed by Council. A successful pilot program was run for volunteers at Grenville Seniors Community Connections Hub last year.

Acting Team Manager for People Relations, Kate Kroon, said the Developing Volunteers program could be used in any Local Government service area that is supported by volunteers.

“The program is an acknowledgment by our organisation of the crucial role volunteers play in assisting residents across many community programs,” Kate Kroon said. “They are recognised as important assets who are part of our organisation. This project allows Council to give something worthwhile back to our volunteers, who can take the skills they gain from Playford and apply them in other organisations or community groups.”

TAFE lecturers, supported by Council staff, teach the course. Topics include occupational health, safety and welfare; basic first aid; food handling; communication; values and attitudes; manual handling; dementia and fire extinguisher training. Class times are flexible to minimise disruption to aged care services and make the best use of volunteers’ time.

“A volunteer who stays with Playford over a period of time is able to achieve a Certificate II or III in Aged Care,” Kate Kroon said. “Previously, volunteers received minimal induction training and were provided with limited support. Our volunteers are now competent in interacting with older people. Their professionalism assists our Aged Care Service Coordinators, giving value added service to our clients.”

For further information contact Kate Kroon, email, or telephone (08) 8254 0542.