Strategy overcomes

Hume City Council, on Melbourne’s northern fringe, has developed an in house staff training program that overcomes many of the problems associated with employee training. The Integrated Formal Learning on the Job program has resulted in higher participation rates, with fewer staff dropping out of courses.

To maintain job relevance, staff train in areas specific to their job, as part of a structured, long term, career development plan. More than 260 Council staff are currently completing 11 different training packages. Participants who are assessed as ‘not yet competent’ simply continue training until they achieve the required level of competency. Employees cannot fail a course and there are no exams.

Employee Development Coordinator, Carl Trotta, said Integrated Formal Learning on the job allowed employees to continually develop the skills, knowledge and personal attributes necessary to perform their jobs while working towards a nationally recognised qualification.

Staff assessment is linked to real work projects, so the skills they develop have a direct impact on the way they do their job.

“This strategy has encouraged staff to pursue a recognised qualification in their field of expertise,” Carl Trotta said. “This is an ongoing, long term project where everyone wins. We aim to promote a culture of continuous learning, and this provides a genuine return on investment for every training dollar Council spends.”

Where possible, staff are registered under the Commonwealth Government’s New Apprenticeship Scheme. As such, many employees are eligible for Federal funding, and some also receive State funding.

For further information contact Carl Trotta, email, or telephone (03) 9356 6934.