Youth taking the lead

The District Council of Grant has developed a Statement of Commitment to Young People. This included establishing a committee of young people to act as an advisory body to Council. The Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) has been running for over 12 months. It comprises nine young people and meets fortnightly at the Mount Gambier and District Community Centre.

Servicing the rural area and townships around the City of Mount Gambier, Council placed advertisements in the local paper. Young people known to have interest in their community were also invited to join the committee. Two members of YAC were already on the Port MacDonnell Skate Park Committee, a major community project for young people.

With young people from each of the area’s secondary schools on the committee, as well as four young people who are either in the workforce, studying or unemployed, YAC has representatives from across the Council area.

An elected Councillor is also on the committee, as well as the Council’s Community Development Officer. Mayor Don Pegler also attends meetings when he can. Councillors and Council staff have assisted the Committee in developing their meeting skills.

YAC’s activities to date include the holding of a Youth Summit last September. This attracted some 60 young people, who identified some priority areas for YAC and Council to consider. Priority areas include leisure and entertainment for young people, work and employment issues such as retaining young people in the district, and the prevention of drug and alcohol abuse by young people. These issues are the basis of a Youth Action Plan agreed by YAC and Council.

YAC recently held an ‘Under Age Rage’ for young people between 12 and 17. The rage was attended by over 130 young people from across the district and featured two local bands and a DJ. Local businesses provided lucky door prizes and local police and youth workers helped supervise the rage. The event was so successful that YAC hopes to hold them regularly.

YAC is now setting its sights on establishing a youth centre, and is planning a grand opening for the recently funded Skate Park to be built in the township of Port MacDonnell.