IPWEA/RTA Local Government Road Safety Strategy

The IPWEA/RTA Local Government Road Safety Strategy works to raise the priority of road safety in Local Government. This is achieved through support for council road safety strategic planning, the administration of funding for local road safety initiatives and through the presentation of annual Local Government Excellence in Road Safety Awards, to recognise outstanding council achievements. The IPWEA/RTA Strategy is one element of the NSW Local Government Road Safety Program conducted as part of Road Safety 2010, a framework for increasing road safety in NSW.

Local Government Excellence in Road Safety Awards

In 2004 the Local Government Excellence in Road Safety Awards attracted 33 nominations from some 46 councils across NSW. The awards are sponsored by the Motor Accidents Authority. For further information, please contact Jacqui Clarke, Road Safety Project Manager, on (02) 8267 3012.


Wollongong City Council

Drink Safe Walk Safe

The Drink Safe Walk Safe project was initiated to address the issue of pedestrian safety, particularly those pedestrians affected by alcohol.

It was identified that there was a high incidence of ‘drink walking’ within the Wollongong LGA and research undertaken in the planning stage of the project had identified a gap in the current public education available.

During 2003 Wollongong hosted two Rugby World Cup games, which coincided with a local annual community festival, Viva La Gong.

It was predicted that these events and associated festivities would attract a large number of people and raised concerns in regard to drink walking. The events provided an opportunity to raise the profile of drink walking and place it on the local road safety agenda.

As few behavioural educational programs have been implemented addressing drink walking, the project focused on raising peoples’ awareness of the issue, using a multifaceted program, which linked to statewide pedestrian safety campaigns.

It incorporated a range of promotional materials and included marshalling pedestrians to and from events using volunteers recruited from local service clubs. The project also incorporated an education strategy targeting motorists and local licensed venues displayed the campaign message and promoted responsible service of alcohol in their venues.

This project was commended for its clear identification of a local road safety issue, as well as local opportunities to respond to that issue. Outcomes were clearly measured and reported on.

Congratulations Wollongong City Council.


Tamworth City Council

Youth on the Move – a mentor driving program for at risk youth

The Youth on the Move project was implemented to provide support for disadvantaged youth in obtaining the fifty hours of supervised driving experience required as part of the NSW driver licensing process.

The program involved developing a ‘mentoring program’ designed to overcome many of the barriers that disadvantaged youth face when endeavouring to obtain a drivers licence.

It was noted that the program could reduce the likelihood of young people driving without a licence, increase road safety knowledge and impact positively on employment outcomes.

In addition, it was envisaged that the program may contribute to a sense of participants’ reconnection with the local community.

This program involved a range of agencies, which has encouraged community ownership and support for local road safety issues.

Congratulations Tamworth City Council.