CDEP non negotiable

The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) has welcomed a Federal Government assurance that the Community Development Employment Program – which is of vital importance for Australia’s 90 Aboriginal Councils – is not under threat. The Community Development Employment Program has been in operation throughout Australia since 1976. This program was introduced to give Aboriginal people a chance to gain skills to further their employment prospects as well as deliver vital services within many remote communities.

The Federal Employment and Workplace Relations Minister, Kevin Andrews, promised to work with Local Government on reforms to the Community Development Employment Program (CDEP). He also confirmed that he is committed to the success of the program.

“I want to immediately dispel any rumours and misinformation which seek to exploit Indigenous communities,” he said. “There will be no abolition of CDEP. Neither will there be cuts to participant numbers or essential services.”

ALGA President, Councillor Paul Bell, said the ALGA is determined to ensure that any future changes to CDEP works in the best interests of Indigenous communities.

“We acknowledge the Minister’s commitment not only to consult widely, but also to work with local communities, State and Territory Governments and Local Government to build on the success of CDEP,” he said.

“With the abolition of ATSIC, the attention of all three spheres of government must turn to new arrangements for improved service provision. We do not want to see any changes to CDEP reduce local services and turn into a new cost shift onto Local Government and local communities.

“We are sure that the Australian Government is not intent on shifting costs onto local communities as it moves to change CDEP arrangements. The ALGA is looking forward to future discussions on how the program can be strengthened to meet the social and economic objectives of some of the most disadvantaged communities in Australia.

“We look forward to the release of the Minister’s CDEP discussion paper in early March.”