Safe, healthy staff can greatly improve the bottom line for Local Government

Human resources experts have long recognised the benefits of improving business through corporate health programs, staff social clubs and workplace safety. However, measuring the impact these programs have on the bottom line can be difficult.Victoria’s City of Whittlesea has received a very strong indication of how fostering a culture of health and safety among staff can result in substantial savings.

According to recently released figures, Whittlesea is paying lower WorkCover premium rates than any other Local Government in Victoria.

In the 12 months to September 2005, no WorkCover claims were made by Council’s staff and, as a result, the City’s WorkCover rate is more than six times less than the average rate paid by Victoria’s 79 Councils. It is the third year in a row no WorkCover claims have been made by Council’s 667 full time, part time and casual staff.

City of Whittlesea Chief Executive Officer, Graeme Brennan, said Council’s excellent work safety record has meant lower costs for the organisation and therefore ratepayers.

“If you look at the top end of WorkCover premium rates, it can add as much as four per cent to property rates,” he said.

Council promotes a culture of safety among staff with the employment of a full time risk management coordinator and a part time physiotherapist, who also provides staff with ergonomic advice.

“Through our risk management staff, and health and safety programs we’ve developed a strong but informal culture of safety in the workplace, where most staff will report, or immediately remove, possible safety hazards,” Graeme Brennan said. “Employing a part time physiotherapist means staff are more likely to address any muscular concerns before major problems develop. This has obvious benefits for Council staff’s health and wellbeing, and in the medium to long term, it also cuts costs and aids productivity.”

The City of Whittlesea also encourages health and fitness by arranging low cost gym membership for staff at a local fitness centre, which has classes specifically timed to fit with Council lunch breaks. Yoga classes for staff are held each week at Council Offices and some employees also get together outside office hours to participate in events such as the Round the Bay in a Day bike ride and the Oxfam Trail Walk.

For further information contact Director of Corporate Services, Rod Wilkinson, on (03) 9217 2341.