Sarina Shire Council responds to growth

Strategically located on the coast in Central Queensland, Sarina Shire is the perfect location for both people seeking a sea change, and miners working in the Bowen Basin Coal Fields. Right on the doorstep of Sarina lies a host of picturesque sandy beaches, as well as many offshore islands. Mountain ranges provide an exciting contrast, boasting spectacular views of the surrounding area.

The facilities of Hay Point and Dalrymple Bay make Sarina a focal point for coal exportation, while sugar cane farming, sugar milling, alcohol distilling, dairying, grazing, tropical fruit growing, horticulture, aquaculture, fishing and tourism are major industries in the region.

Population growth has brought increased demand for services, facilities and housing, generating a development boom with both business and property developers.

Development in the Shire includes investigations into low impact eco tourism projects, land subdivision and business projects, new industrial seaport development and expansions to the CSR ethanol plant, which will boost bio fuel production in Queensland.

Current high resource demands have generated a requirement for $2 billion worth of expansion works to be undertaken on the coal rail infrastructure and ports located at Hay Point. This will provide additional employment for over 800 people for up to three years.

The Shire’s sugar industry is going through a recovery stage. Based on making optimal use of productive land for growing sugar and diversifying its agricultural base, the recovery will widen and strengthen Sarina’s economic fabric. In light of this development, Sarina Shire Council has commenced work on an Economic Development Strategy. The strategy will guide Council’s efforts over the next ten years to achieve social, community and economic development for the Shire. The strategy will draw information from the Shire’s Tourism Development Strategy, Health Workforce Strategy, Senior Citizens Policy and community consultation to identify the strengths and opportunities available for development in the Shire.