Rockingham lends Telwatta a helping hand

The community of Western Australia’s City of Rockingham has raised $35,000 for the tsunami devastated village of Telwatta in Sri Lanka. Together with a further $10,000 collected by the Perth Sri Lankan community, the funds have gone into reconstructing the village. Three separate projects have been funded including the reconstruction of the Community Damma Hall at Telwatta Temple, cash grants to all 780 families in the village and the donation of equipment to local schools.

Rockingham Mayor, Councillor Barry Sammels, and Director Corporate Services, Ananda Thilakasiri, recently visited Telwatta. They took part in the Opening Ceremony of the Damma Hall, which is now over 85 per cent complete and is expected to cost a total of $24,500.

Ananda Thilakasiri, who is originally from Telwatta, said that the opening ceremony marked a significant day for the community of Telwatta.

“The hall is a central meeting place for the entire community, including people from adjoining villages,” he said. “The entire village is very grateful to the people of Rockingham.”

At the ceremony, Mayor Sammels officially presented an electric typewriter, a printer and a cassette player to local schools. This much needed equipment was also purchased from the donated funds. Head Monk of Telwatta Temple, Ven Pituwala Sumana, made a presentation to the Mayor comprising mementos and a Sri Lankan flag, as a symbol of friendship and appreciation of the generosity extended by the people of Rockingham.

After discussions with representatives from the village, it was decided that the $7,500 remaining from the total funds collected would be used to establish a scholarship fund to assist local students. Mayor Sammels said the decision to manage funds through elders of the village, known by Ananda, has been advantageous for the City of Rockingham.

“In some instances with established aid organisations it has been claimed that nearly 50 per cent of the donations collected go into administration expenses,” he said. “We have been able to track the funds and over 99 percent of the $42,800 collected has gone to the benefit of people of Telwatta.”

All known contributors to the appeal will be invited to view a special video showing the distribution of cash grants to the residence of Telwatta and the opening ceremony of the reconstructed Community Damma Hall.

For further information contact Ananda Thilakasiri on (08) 9528 0308.