Queensland’s Livingstone Shire Council opened verbYL as a new concept in both Library and Youth Services in December 2005. verbYL is a safe, funky hang out space for young people between the ages of 13 and 25 years. It is the only youth centre in the Shire and with a lack of other entertainment, such as a cinema or other underage events, it provides a vital space for youth and significantly encourages ownership by the young people themselves.
Livingstone’s Youth Worker, Christine Neiland, said that Youth Service and Library staff identified young people’s aspirations for the sorts of things they would like to see in verbYL.
“Our Youth Council was then used as a reference group to guide decision making,” she said. “The space is for young people and we encourage their input in its day to day running. It has a special buzz, and has gained a wide acceptance amongst young people.”
About 60 to 100 young people filter through the space during any one session, some only to borrow, some to just socialise. Each member has their own card, which gives them access to computer use, games, console use and borrowing resources.
verbYL has a computer room with internet access, a large plasma screen television with pay television and an extensive range of library resources. A number of comfy chairs are available for reading, and the games room is a popular place for playing XBox, Playstation or GameCube.
verbYL has a full time Youth Librarian who is responsible for all library programs and library based resources, such as games, novels, comics, CDs and DVDs.
As Livingstone’s full time Youth Worker, Christine Neiland guides young people towards positive activities, conflict management, confidential information and referrals for issues such as drugs, alcohol, pregnancy and employment.
“We can also help with homework, job seeking and personal problems,” Christine Neiland said. “We also have a program of recreational activities, which build social and personal skills. We hold a monthly event night for activities such as karaoke, art workshops or mocktail nights.”
Livingstone Shire’s Youth Council operates from verbYL and plays a major part in the daily running of the centre, as well as its involvement in broader community issues.
verbYL recently took out the Youth Engagement category at the 2006 National Awards for Local Government. For further information contact Christine Neiland or Youth Librarian, Christine May, on (07) 4939 9212.