With lifestyles continually changing and becoming busier, Pine Rivers Shire Council has introduced a number of new technologies to enhance the services it provides. Council has recognised both the value and importance of technology to assist with day to day community activities. It has adopted a pro technology philosophy, which encourages Council employees to understand new technology options and identify ways they can be integrated into community activities to improve efficiency and effectiveness.
Cynthia Leong is the manager of Pathways – Council’s multi use community facility. She said there are many different ways of providing services, but Pine Rivers is looking for the best.
“We understand that people are not always available during the standard nine to five opening hours,” she said. “Using various technologies, we have made a number of Council services more accessible and convenient to a wider group of people.”
Some of the technology options being used across Council community activities include SMS, radio frequency technology, online web facilities, interaction services, and security systems.
For example the Pathways Library is using radio frequency technology for library borrowing and returns, enabling community members to self borrow and return resources. An electronic book drop also allows returns to be made 24/7, meaning if a book is due back on a certain date, the return can be made up until midnight.
Other examples of new technology options available to community members include:
- SMS reminder messaging, enabling the community to have real time access to information regarding their reservations, such as when they are ready to collect
- a 24/7 online library resources database, which provides the ability to check the availability of, and reserve, library books and resources via the internet
- 24/7 secure online payment services to make payments via the web, while providing peace of mind about internet security
- online educational resources, for example a maths tutor, which can be used by all ages to develop numeracy and literacy skills
- a state of the art library providing real technology support, including faxing, copying, scanning, Microsoft Office software on computers, CD burning, and internet access to local home based business owners and the broader local community.
Cynthia Leong said the community is embracing the new systems.
“Since the library opened in 2004, the radio frequency technology used to self borrow and return books has had an average take up rate of 85 per cent,” she said. “This figure is gradually growing and we expect it to eventually steady at around 95 per cent.”
Cynthia Leong said Council is currently developing a dispensing machine that uses radio frequency technology to distribute library material.
“This machine will be a first for Australia and possibly even the world,” she said. “Library members will receive an SMS to notify them that their resource is available for collection, and if they are unable to collect it until after hours it will go to the dispensing machine. Once they have inserted their library card, the system recognises who they are and automatically delivers their selection.
“The machine will provide a selection of resources for spur of the moment after hours borrowing.”
For further information contact Cynthia Leong on (07) 3480 6666.