Geraldton Aquarena leads the way

Earlier this year, eight people from across Western Australia gathered at the Geraldton Aquarena for a Pool Operations Training course. The Pool Operations Training is the basic qualification needed to operate a public swimming pool. It is fully endorsed by the Western Australian Department of Health and can also be directly linked to Certificates II and III in Community Recreation.

Aquarena Manager, Colin Hassell, said it was the first time the course had been run in Geraldton.

“It is important for training events such as these to be held in country areas,” he said. “It encourages smaller Shires to train their staff, which is crucial in the case of sickness, or if a replacement is needed.

“Too often remote communities are faced with crisis management rather than problem solving. Having skilled back up staff allows for natural staff transition when needed.”

The course, which ran for six days, was hosted by the City of Geraldton’s Aquarena, in partnership with the Department of Sport and Recreation (DSR) and Royal Life Saving Western Australia. Funding from the DSR allowed Council to offer the course to participants in the Midwest Gascoyne at the same price as if they attended in Perth.

Colin Hassell said two Geraldton Council staff members took part in the course, but there were also participants from other areas.

“It is great to see the proactiveness of the other communities in sending members from their area to be trained, therefore providing them with a job,” he said. “We had people from Mt Magnet, Perenjori, Karratha and Riverton.”

The course covers topics such as self contained breathing apparatus, safe handling of dangerous chemicals, maintaining aquatic facility plant and emergency response training.

Once the theory section of the course is completed, applicants return to their own pools where they undertake on the job assessment.

Colin Hassell said he hopes to make the course an annual event, which will provide for all communities in the Midwest and Gascoyne region.

For further information contact Colin Hassell on (08) 9921 8844.