Together with the Launceston Tamar Valley Tourism Association (LTVTA), Launceston City, West Tamar and George Town Councils have launched a tourism and marketing toolkit.
The kit aims to assist local tourism operators in maximising marketing opportunities. It is available to all LTVTA members.
LTVTA was formed as the peak tourism association for the Launceston Tamar Valley and environs in 2006. It has a representative from each of Launceston, George Town and West Tamar Councils.
LTVTA identified a need to provide tourism operators with the tools to better market their product and services locally, nationally and internationally.
“The toolkit will provide invaluable assistance to the many small tourism operators who will benefit from a more professional, integrated approach in the region,” said Launceston City Council’s Director Communications and Economic Development, Becky Shrimpton.
The kit contains information on:
- new Launceston Tamar Valley branding
- who’s who in tourism
- advertising advice and contacts
- how to gain tourism accreditation
- Tasmanian Visitor Information Network signage guidelines and processes
- tourism marketing tips
- how to win awards
- media contacts and media release templates
- training opportunities for employees.
Becky Shrimpton said LTVTA and the Councils involved are now finalising an application for a grant as part of the Australian Tourism Development Program.
This program aims to assist in the development of a continuous tourism experience across Australia.
The tourism and marketing toolkit is available for purchase for $55 from the LTVTA Secretary by phoning 0418 588 206.