Economic development is the key to sustainability

Mount Isa City Council plays a key role in facilitating strategic planning for the sustainable economic development of the city and surrounding region. A team led by Mayor Ron McCullough works closely with the key stakeholders both internal and external. It looks at big picture items and new opportunities, initiates planning studies and works to attract investment to the Mount Isa region.

Current projects range from planning a new 300 hectare heavy industry industrial estate to the south of the city, to trialling a forestry plot using effluent water north of the city. Issues such as availability of competitive power for industry for the region are high on the list of priorities and also alternative transport options for product from the region’s mines and smelters.

Attracting a new and diverse industry base for the city is also an important issue handled within the economic development portfolio and Council plays a key role in sourcing suitable land within its current planning schemes. It also works to secure land for new housing subdivisions and for other community uses.

Council works closely with the other spheres of Government and their departments to ensure the city benefits from the various funding programs made available for Local Government for items such as major infrastructure, to advance the city’s growth and prosperity.