Arts funding for Councils and community groups*

Do you work for a local Council or community organisation that manages cultural exhibitions or events? If so, you may be eligible for Australian Government arts funding.

A range of programs support Australian arts and cultural activities at the community level, including:

Contemporary music touring program

Support to tour live contemporary music in regional and remote Australia

Festivals Australia

Funds new cultural activities at regional and community festivals

Festivals Australia regional residencies

Supports communities to explore a local theme with assistance from an artist in residence at festivals or significant community celebrations

Visions of Australia

Funding to develop and tour exhibitions of Australian cultural material

Playing Australia

Support for the regional and remote touring of live performing arts

Indigenous programs

Support for Indigenous arts, culture, language, communications and sporting programs

To view program eligibility guidelines, visit or phone 1800 819 461 (toll free).

*Copy supplied by the Department of Communications Information Technology and the Arts