Country/City Partnership reaps rewards all round

Signing of the partnership agreement. (l-r) seated: Councillor Ray Longfellow, Mayor Central Darling Shire Council and Councillor Ivan Petch, Mayor City of Ryde, with Councillors and General Managers of both Councils sanding in the background.

The City of Ryde and Central Darling Shire have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), which will see the two Councils working together in providing assistance and exploring opportunities to become involved in mutually beneficial programs and experiences.

Located in the far west of New South Wales, Central Darling Shire covers more than 53,000 square kilometres, making it the largest Local Government Area in NSW, but with one of the smallest residential populations. By contrast, the City of Ryde is home to 105,000 residents and has the second largest CBD in New South Wales. Ryde’s 16 suburbs are spread over a 44 square kilometre area.

In October, a delegation from the City of Ryde visited Central Darling Shire to progress the development of the Country Council Partnership, which was endorsed by both Councils on 4 September. City of Ryde Mayor, Councillor Ivan Petch, said the visit was extremely beneficial.

“It was evident to all parties that the partnership can be sustainable in the long term and will be mutually beneficial,” he said. “The development of a partnership with a country Shire Council will provide opportunities for staff, Councillors and members of the community to become involved in constructive programs, which will enhance their understanding of issues being faced by people living in remote areas of New South Wales.

“Assistance in addressing regional concerns regarding high unemployment and other quality of life issues, as well as commonly shared responsibilities such as water conservation, heritage, community events and services, are just some of the areas to be explored.”

With the ink barely dry on the new partnership agreement, the Councils are already seeing real, practical benefits flowing from the alliance.

In November, over 200 students from Ryde primary schools linked by computer and the internet with students from Central Darling Shire, Kansas USA, and Kenya to share their views on technology, health and the environment at the annual What “THE?” Children’s Conference. The conference is all about what is important to children and young people – how technology, health and the environment impact their lives and what they can do to influence their future.

Mayor Petch said he was delighted that students from Wilcannia Central School in the heart of the Central Darling Shire were among the first to benefit from the new alliance between the two Councils.

“This unique opportunity gives our local students the chance to be proactive about their future and communicate with other children with perhaps very different perspectives,” he said. The conference is a collaboration between the City of Ryde, Department of Education and Training (DET), Macquarie University and local primary and high schools.

Recommendations and conference resolutions were drafted, presented on the day and posted on a developing ‘Aussie kids conference’ website.

For further information on the conference or the partnership agreement contact Lee Kirkland at the City of Ryde on (02) 9952 8083.