The City of Onkaparinga is urging South Australian Premier, Mike Rann, and the Local Government Association of South Australia (LGASA) to consider the impact of rising oil prices from a Local Government perspective. With predictions that world oil production will peak within ten years, resulting in rising oil prices, Councils, and particularly urban fringe Councils such as Onkaparinga, may be highly vulnerable.
Onkaparinga Mayor, Lorraine Rosenberg, said Council is looking to the year 2020 and beyond in developing its next strategic plan.
“We will continue to be one of the fastest growing South Australian Councils and are determined to take a proactive approach to population growth and climate change,” she said. “We also need to plan for rising fuel costs, which will be compounded by increases in the price of food, energy and transport.”
At a Council meeting in November, Council resolved to write to Premier Rann and the LGASA President, advocating for the State and LGA to undertake research into oil vulnerability from a Local Government perspective.
In 2005, the Queensland Government established an Oil Vulnerability Taskforce and recently released the Taskforce findings.
“Although governments cannot have an impact on the cost of oil, they can plan ahead in anticipation of rising prices.” Mayor Rosenberg said.
For further information contact Mayor Rosenberg on 0409 691 188.