More than just a gallery…

The Grafton Regional Gallery was established in 1988 and has been the recipient of many awards since its inception.

In the years post amalgamation, support for cultural services in the Clarence has developed significantly. A Cultural Development Officer has been appointed and support given for a Regional Museums Officer position.

The Gallery gained a trainee part time curatorial position — the first new position at the Gallery since 1993. A block of land adjacent to the Gallery has also been acquired for future expansion. The Gallery now services the needs of 50,000 residents.

Staff manage ten collections in total, with the Gallery itself playing a core role in a community that is increasingly being recognised for its cultural diversity and depth. These increased demands and expectations represent both challenges and opportunities.

The significant economic and social advantages of a rich and active culture is reflected in developing Council’s inaugural Cultural Plan, the Riverways Project, implementation of the Creative Industries Strategy and plans to extend and redevelop the Gallery.

These are strong indicators of an exciting and creative future in the making for the Clarence region.