Awards and recognition

The City of Boroondara is recognised as a leader on environmental sustainability and has been awarded nationally and internationally for its green initiatives at the local level.


In 2003 and 2004 Council met its own target to reduce its water usage by 25 per cent – four years ahead of schedule. Boroondara won the national United Nations Association of Australia World Environment Day Award and the Victorian Savewater! Award for Local Government for its overall excellence in water management in 2003. It was also a finalist in the 2003 and 2005 Savewater! Awards for further water saving projects.

Despite these achievements, Council continues to strive for excellence by meeting the challenge of maintaining services for more than 164,000 residents during Australia’s severe drought.


Council has also exceeded the Local Government targets, set by the State Government, for a 45 per cent diversion of general household rubbish from landfill by 2008. In 2006/07, Boroondara achieved a 51 per cent diversion.

Council’s achievements in waste minimisation and litter reduction education have been recognised every year since 1999. These include the 2005 Waste Wise Community Award for excellence in community education, and Platinum Certificates from the South Eastern Regional Waste Management Group in 2003, 2004 and 2005.

Public education

A key driver of environmental sustainability within the community is Council’s Living for Our Future program. Provided by Council in conjunction with
the National Centre for Sustainability at Swinburne University, it encourages residents to live sustainably and to reduce their ecological footprint.

Throughout the year Council holds a series of Living for Our Future workshops that cover energy in the home, water, waste, green purchasing, transport and creating healthy homes. Successful Sustainable Living Expos were held in 2007 and 2008.

The Living for Our Future program has received funding from Council, Sustainability Victoria, Melbourne Water, Origin Energy and VISY Recycling.

In 2006, the pilot Living for Our Future program was also a finalist in the national United Nations Association of Australia World Environment Day Awards (Local Government) for Best Specific Environmental Initiative as an outstanding example of ‘a carefully researched program’ and ‘what can be achieved through a partnership approach’.