Free asset management report for councils

Are your assets being eaten away?

Did you know that insects are a major contributor to your annual maintenance budget? Evergreen turf can provide your council with a free guide that will help identify the most common insects and tips on how to control the damage they will inflict on your valuable open space assets.

Scarab larvae identification and control

Scarab larvae are often referred to by a number of common names, such as pasture cockchafer, curl grubs or white grubs. They can inflict dramatic turf damage when they are present in large numbers.

In fact, Yarra Glen Racecourse just outside of Melbourne lost a Cup meeting because of scarab larvae damage.

The effective control of insects in agriculture and turf depends on four distinct procedures:

  • insect identification
  • knowledge of the insect’s lifecycle
  • monitoring of the insect population
  • using appropriate control methods.

Without these criteria, control becomes a trial and error approach and often error becomes the dominant factor.

If you are interested in getting your FREE copy of this valuable report then please contact Evergreen Turf on Victoria (03) 5945 2100, or NSW 0488 958 108. Alternatively, visit

*Copy supplied by Evergreen Turf

The main insect pests of turf in Australia are:

Common name
Scientific name
African black beetle
Heteronychus arator
Black headed cockchafer
Aphodius tasmaniae
Red headed cockchafer
Adoryphorus couloni
Lawn or pruinose scarab
Sericesthis geminata
Argentine scarab
Cyclocephala signaticollis
Sphenophorus brunipennis
Argentine stem weevil
Listronotus bonariensis
Lawn armyworms
Spodoptera mauritia
Herpetogramma licarsisalis
Agrotis species
Underground grass grubs
Oncopera species
Changa mole crickets
Scapteriscus didactylus