Happy Scouting community following graffiti eradication*

The First Alcheringa Scout Hall at Miranda in the southern suburbs of Sydney has seen plenty of action over the past 30 years, but recently it became the repeated target of graffiti vandals due to its isolated location in a busy reserve.

At a chance meeting, E-Nose came to the rescue and installed two of its graffit-e-nose™ sniffer devices. Since then there have been several arrests, with the most recent apprehension of three people with spray cans, drugs and a large knife in their possession.

“Before E-Nose, our Scout leader would repaint the front of the hall nearly every Friday night,” said Alcheringa Scout Group Chairman, Scott Murray. “It was a never ending saga.

“Half our annual budget was spent on buying paint.

“The E-Nose has turned the vandals around and they don’t dare touch our building anymore. The word is out on the street and it has become a no go zone for vandals.”

The graffit-e-nose™ smells the paint and ink fumes and sends a silent alarm by SMS to authorities.

The result: capture of vandals in the act, their prosecution by the justice system, and a significant change in their behaviour.

Graffiti destroys the feeling of safety in our community. The hall has been graffiti free for the past year and Scout members are increasing. Mums and dads have expressed more confidence about sending their young children to Joeys and Cubs in the graffiti free hall.

For further information visit www.e-nose.info

*Copy supplied by E-Nose in conjunction with Scott Murray, Chairman of the First Alcheringa Scout Group in Miranda, New South Wales