Leader of the Nationals and Shadow Minister for Trade, Transport and Local Government, Warren Truss, said that Local Government needs to occupy a key place in the population debate.
“You are where the vital decisions on housing and servicing a bigger population must be made,” he said.
“Probably, more than half the delegates at this conference are desperately seeking a larger population and you spend ratepayers’ money encouraging new investment, new industry and more people.
“The other half are resisting higher density living, urban sprawl and industry encroachment, and some even have population caps.”
Warren Truss said that within months of returning to Government, the Coalition will reconstitute the Productivity Commission to be the Productivity and Sustainability Commission to ensure environment and lifestyles are not compromised to accommodate more people.
He pointed to the important role of Local Government in road building and in other infrastructure development at the planning and approval stage.
“Under a Coalition Government, we will not cut the Roads to Recovery Program,” he said.
“In addition we will introduce a new initiative – the Bridge Renewal Program.”
The Shadow Minister said that this program would see $300 million provided to councils over a four year period to assist in the replacement and renewal of many of the 30,000 small road bridges in need of attention.
He said that this will be a dollar for dollar program with matching funds from State Government or Local Government. The money will be distributed on a competitive application basis, giving priority to community needs and economic return.