Council’s recently completed $3.6 million Regional Athletics Track is the only one of its type in Western Australia outside of Perth. This puts Bunbury at the forefront of regional athletics.
The eight lane international standard synthetics running track (10 on the front straight) has the same surface as that used at the Beijing Olympic Stadium.
The facility caters for all athletics disciplines including running, pole vault, double/long and triple jump, discus, javelin, shot put and hammer throwing.
The track is constructed to a standard certified by the International Amateur Athletics Foundation (IAAF).
“Having an IAAF standard regional athletic track in Bunbury will not only provide significant benefits to athletic clubs and schools but every sport in the South West,” said Mayor David Smith.
“Being the only synthetic surface for athletics outside
of Perth will also make Bunbury a draw card for major national, state and regional athletic events.”
Thanks to funding of $1.67million from the Western Australian Department of Sport and Recreation and
$2 million through the Federal Government’s Community infrastructure Fund, this
facility was built at no cost to
Council or the local community
The new track includes a grassed rectangle pitch in the centre that is suitable for soccer and other field sports.
Stage 2 of the project includes a pavilion. Funding for this stage is currently being sought.