Digital security camera protects people and property*

The Digital Guard Cam with its small size (130x85x60mm) is a stand alone portable still or video infrared digital security camera with motion sensor, ideal for discrete surveillance where photographic evidence is required.

The new GC680V Digital Guard Cam model now features 16 GB card capacity and in camera image viewing. This is particularly useful in the initial positioning of the camera for maximum surveillance coverage and viewing images on site.

The camera is about the same size as a normal PIR alarm detector and is weather proof. It is programmed by opening the camera and using the keys located inside. The 4 GB SD memory card, external power supply port and on/off switch are also located in this section.

Powering this unit are 8 AA long life batteries, a six volt auxiliary lead is supplied so as the unit can be connected to a transformer or battery if needed.

The camera can be set to 3, 5 or 8 megapixel, set at 3 megapixels the capacity of the SD card is around 6700 stills or 400 minutes of video.

The images are in colour in daylight and black and white at night. In daylight (colour) the trigger distance is up to 30 metres and at night (infrared black and white) the distance is up to 15 metres.

The unit can be timed to turn on and off over a 24 hour period, it can also be programmed to takes images (still or video) in any time increments from three seconds to 60 minutes.

If for example there are animals constantly moving in front of the motion detector the camera will continually activate, it can be set to deactivate after the first images are taken and reactivate after the delay time is reached.

With all the images being date and timed stamped the camera has many uses, some of them being for rubbish dumping detection, gate and people monitoring, animal movement, graffiti and so forth.

The Digital Guard Cam is supplied with a full set of batteries, 4 GB SD card, USB SD card reader, computer, TV and six volt power leads, a technical assistance help line on 1300 66 88 35 and a full 12 months warranty.

*Copy supplied by SX Power