Eradicating graffiti vandalism*

Graffiti is a scourge on scarce public funds that are needed badly elsewhere. So why not eradicate the graffiti problem and redeploy the public money it consumes? How?

By bringing about behavioural change in the same way that motorists’ speeding, road deaths and injury are being reduced by speed cameras. The benefits far outweigh the costs.

The reason you change your speeding behaviour lies in knowing that you can and will be caught breaking the law. Besides, because the detection system is hidden, you must assume, that at any time you transgress, you probably are being watched.

At Queensland Police’s recent Graffiti Forum it was shown that graffiti is hurting every Australian community, but apprehending taggers and getting adequate evidence is a challenge.

How can we trigger the evidence systems, such as CCTV and apprehend the vandal in the act? The answer is graffit-e-nose®, an Australian invention seen on The ABC’s New Inventors, and at Security 2009 and 2010.

Graffiti eradication has happened at a Scout hall in Miranda, New South Wales. Several gangs of vandals have been apprehended over 12 months thanks to the deployment of two hidden graffit-e-noses®.

After one arrest, two young adults were charged with graffiti offences, possession of drugs and a weapon.

Graffit-e-nose® smells the paint and ink fumes and sends a silent alarm by SMS to authorities. They arrive and catch the vandals red handed.

The device can now trigger other technologies, such as CCTV, so corroborating evidence can be added if desired, to strengthen the case against the vandals. Graffiti at the Miranda Scout Hall has been eradicated, with substantial returns for the community, in human and financial terms.

For further information visit or phone (02) 9209 4083.

*Copy supplied by E-nose Pty Ltd.