Grand Prix is the first Australian couch grass released onto the market that is the result of a classic breeding program conducted in Australia for Australian conditions.
Grand Prix is dark green in colour, fine to medium in texture and the leaf length is described as short.
It is best suited to sports fields, parks, golf courses and ovals.
The benefits of Grand Prix are its rapid growth rate, low seed head numbers, high tolerance wear, low water requirement, excellent colour and excellent sports field surface.
Grand Prix gained the highest ratings from a scientific trial when compared to other turf varieties for wear resistance, which is vital in a sports environment.
As with most improved couch selections, drought and heat tolerance are exceptional.
Once established and with the correct management, Grand Prix will survive on rainfall alone in South Eastern Australia.
Its resistance to wear is superior and wear recovery is rapid in warmer temperatures.
Grand Prx is currently used at the Eastern Golf Club in Melbourne, as well as the Western Australian Cricket Association ground in Perth, proving its reputation as the best Australian bred grass in all sports.
Grand Prix is another Australian success story.
For more information contact Evergreen Turf, telephone (03) 5945 2100.
*Copy supplied by Evergreen Turf